The future of mobile shopping

According to a ForeSee study of 10,000 consumers 11 per cent of shoppers made a purchase on their mobile during the holiday season, up from 2 per cent at the same time last year. And mobile is playing an even bigger role in researching purchasing decisions, with 30 per cent of those surveyed saying they used their phone to compare items, find a store location or check a price.

Word Lens: Augmented Reality App Translates Street Signs Instantly

Word Lens is an augmented-reality, OCR-capable translation app, but that’s a poor description. A better one would be “magic.” World Lens looks at any printed text through the iPhone’s camera, reads it, translates between Spanish and English. That’s pretty impressive already — it does it in real time — but it also matches the color, [...]

Flipboard trialling ads

Pad magazine app Flipboard is conducting a trial with select publishers of 'Flipboard Pages,' which will allow content to be surrounded by full page ads, custom built for iPad. Initial publishers include ABC News, News Corp (AllThingsD), Conde Nast (Bon Appetit), Hearst (San Francisco Chronicle & The Washington Post). Ad revenue will be shared between the publisher and Flipboard.