Peel iPhone app tells you what to watch

The eternal problem of 100s of channels and nothing to watch may have just been solved by an iPhone app. Tell Peel what you like and where you are and it will suggest which shows you should tune into. Even better, it comes with a remote which connects to your TV, audio and DVR! Peel [...]

Two screen behaviour boon for TV

Great New York Times article about the rise of social TV, or the use of social media like Twitter and Facebook to engage in real time chat about TV shows as they happen. The article mentions the Grammys and the Oscars and we can see the same phenomenon here during MasterChef and Q&A. Definitely worth [...]

Word Lens: Augmented Reality App Translates Street Signs Instantly

Word Lens is an augmented-reality, OCR-capable translation app, but that’s a poor description. A better one would be “magic.” World Lens looks at any printed text through the iPhone’s camera, reads it, translates between Spanish and English. That’s pretty impressive already — it does it in real time — but it also matches the color, [...]