BlueFin Labs Links TV Viewing With Social Conversation

PULLING IT IN Bluefin pullsin live TV on satellite dishes and fingerprints it to identify the ads and shows.
Wow. This is seriously awesome:

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CaT Presenter’s Semantic Technology Helps Find 20 Million Influencers Who Are Posting About TV

Imagine for a minute that you could visualize all the media in the world and everything being said about that media — in real time. You would get a picture of engagement with media and its impact, which words and images caused someone to do something — in this case, talk about it online.

More Media Time, on Various Screens

From the NYT: Americans are spending about 20 percent more time consuming radio, television and the Internet than they were a decade ago, according to a survey by two media measurement firms. That jump reflects in part a rise by 26 percentage points in the number of Americans with access to the Internet. But it also speaks to the increasing ubiquity of smartphones, which have brought media into what were once silent spaces.